
Family Time

I never used to care much about spring time, but my son has made me fall in love with the season change.This child loves being outside a little too much to a point were when it’s time to come inside he cries so hard. Look here kid,am glad you love being outside but I need to go use the bathroom ( thank you postpartum bladder ) and you need to eat and go to bed so I can relax.

My husband’s cousin and his family came over for the weekend, we don’t live near family so it was just the perfect weekend. Watching E play with his cousin was everything. This meant he got to play, run around all weekend and sleep like a champ. He took a 3 hour nap, that never happens around here and he has slept through the night for the past four days 🙂 . Happy mama over here I forgot how amazing a good night sleep can be, now if we only can keep this going.

Spring timeIMG_6555IMG_6510IMG_6549IMG_6483

Am loving these boots from Joefresh rain boots that were $5, I prefer the rain boots because the ground is till muddy. And this bear hoodie from carters, it is warm enough and allows him to rain around freely.

We had planned to go to the park, but somehow when the boys got outside they started running and playing so we played in the driveway and the backyard.


How was your weekend? What are some outdoor fun activity for toddlers?


Thank You

xoxo Marco

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